Youth Radio

Connecting Youth Voices to the World

Quidditch Poetry Podcast

Posted by dogtrax on April 7, 2007

This time of year is Quidditch Season at our school in Massachusetts. About eight years ago, a student worked with our gym teacher to devise a version of the Harry Potter magical game for our sixth graders to play. There are about five different things going on the field at the same time and the sixth graders spend an entire day (this coming Wednesday) playing the other sixth grade classes in a Quidditch Tournament that lasts the entire school day. The rest of the school comes in to watch and cheer from the stands. (Our classroom’s team name this year is ARCTIC SHOCK)

(click on the illustration of the Quidditch field to go to Flickr and learn more about the game)

This week, our students were writing poems celebrating the game or their team or some aspect of the game, and we had volunteers read their poems for a podcast.

We’ll let you know how we do in the tournament. We have a great team this year — working together, cheering each other on, and having a lot of fun.

10 Responses to “Quidditch Poetry Podcast”

  1. youthradio said

    Hi everyone
    I just wanted to let the Youth Radio network know that our team — Arctic Shock — won the Quidditch Tournament at our school this year. They played an amazing day of Quidditch (three full matches) and we really came together as a team, not just as individuals. I am proud of my class and all that they have accomplished this year.
    Mr. Hodgson

  2. sandy said

    I just knew Arctic Shock would win! Congratulations! Your poetry was awesome and made me feel as if I were really playing the game. – Dr. Shattuck

  3. Pia said

    haha 😀 quidditch was so fun last year. I hope all the fifth graders at norris are behaving this year! >.>

    not really XD

    But seriously, all of you guys enjoy your last year at norris. I know most of you may know i hate school, but norris was one of the best experiances I’ve ever had. Have fun guys, but dont have too much fun or you’ll be bad at math like me 😉

  4. Helen said

    It’s so cool that your school re-created Quidditch!! It’s sounds really fun! I also liked how you used descriptive poetry to explain the game. It made me feel like I was really there!!

  5. ashlyn said

    Haha…… that sounds like a cool game!!! 🙂 I would really like to play it!!!

  6. haylee said

    It really seamed like I was there.
    You guys did a great job of re-creating it.

  7. Mac said

    Wow! Nice job on the poems. I think that the the topic is great. The way you read the piece made me feel like I was actually at the game.

  8. shyanne said

    This is very descriptive. It’s almost like i am at my own game of Quidditch! I thought your Poetry was great! Keep up the good work!

  9. Mira said

    This is really great!! Good job!! You guys did a really great job re-creating it! 😀

  10. RIPTIDE said


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